Thursdays 5c Chat Games

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Playing at Bingo Mania:
9am Chat Game Playing: 1.2.3. Which will it be?
10am Chat Game Playing: Odd Down – Even Up
11am Chat Game Playing: Regular Nabors

12pm Chat Game Playing: Lucky Nabors

Lucky Nabors is fun and here is how it works:
If a Chat Player wins on the numbers 1-38, 2 nabors up from them will win BBS.
If however a Chat Player wins on numbers 39-75, 2 nabors down from them will win BBS.

1pm Chat Game Playing: Duck Duck Goose Nabors
2pm Chat Game Playing: Mystery Nabors
3pm Chat Game Playing: Nabors 2 Up
4pm Chat Game Playing: Nabors 2 Down
5pm Chat Game Playing: Duck Duck Goose Nabors
6pm Chat Game Playing: Nabors 2 Down
7pm Chat Game Playing: 1.2.3. Which will it be?
8pm Chat Game Playing: Nabors 2 Up
9pm Chat Game Playing: Lucky Nabors
10pm Chat Game Playing: Mystery Of Skippy’s Letters
11pm Chat Game Playing: Odd Down – Even Up
12am Chat Game Playing: Regular Nabors

Thursdays Standard Bingo:
9am Game Playing: Fast call (6 second calls) games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
10am Game Playing: Fixed $50 games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
11am Game Playing: Fixed $50 games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
12pm Game Playing: Mixed games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
1pm Game Playing: Quickies, short pattern games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
2pm Game Playing:Mixed games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
3pm Game Playing: Fast call (6 second calls) games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
4pm Game Playing: Mixed games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
5pm Game Playing: Quickies, short pattern games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
6pm Game Playing: Mixed games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
7pm Game Playing: Mixed games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
8pm Game Playing: Mixed games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
9pm Game Playing: Quickies, short pattern games with a $1000 – $50 coverall
10pm Game Playing: Crazy Coveralls every other game $1000 – $50 coverall
11pm Game Playing: Crazy Coveralls every other game $1000 – $50 coverall
12am Game Playing: Anyline patterns with a $1000 – $50 Coverall