Sailing Sixes

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The Sailing Sixes bingo chat game gives the winner of a bingo game the chance to win some more free cash during the next game.

The winner will be given a $1 bonus then they will be awarded $.0.30
should any of the first six numbers that are called in the next game either start with or end with the number six

Our feedback on
Sailing Sixes:

Well it won’t make you rich but Sailing Sixes is a lot of fun which is the reason we play bingo afterall. When the six numbers start appearing you can’t help getting a little excited
and willing anything with a six in it to appear, and if you do the maths you will soon realise there is a good chance of you becoming a Sailing Sixes winner.

“Enjoyability” rating of Sailing Sixes:We giveSailing Sixes

a 7 out of 10 on our “enjoyability” rating scale, it’s good but nothing to get too excited about.

European Players can playSailing Sixes at the following Bingo Sites:

Tiki Bingo

Kiwi Bingo

Blackpool Bingo

Game Schedule and Price
DailyTime 1PM – 2PM Game Sailing 6’s Price $0.30 More Bingo Chat GamesIf you like Sailing Sixes we think you may also like the following bingo games:
Charles and CamillaEights Below
Block of Six

American Players always welcome at:
The Bingo Hall – Claim Your Free $6 Bonus
South Beach Bingo – $5 Free Bingo Bonus